cover image: Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates  Friday  5th March  1948  Official Report



Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates Friday 5th March 1948 Official Report


ALailia martlarayan has not rendered accounts to the extent of 4weral lakhs of ikipees belonging to the North-Western Railway in the pro iartifon days; (d) if the answer to part (e) above be in the affirmative what is the amount evolved and whether Government have taken any steps to recover the amount; 01 1 to) what would be the-share of the Government of India in the loss in the went of the amo [...] P. S. Deshmukh: Is not the profit made at the cost of the public ? The Honourable Dr: John Matthai: I may answer that question—in the same way as any surplus earned by railways is at the cost of the public. [...] (b) The position of the survey work for each of the pri_14ject has been indicated in the statement. [...] John Matthai: As a matter of fact the cost of the land is on the whole a relatively small proportion of the total cost of the projr c1. [...] The Honourable Shri Jairamdas Doulatram: Government have been considering the problem created by* the partition of the country resulting in most of the jute growing area being included in Pakistan.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative)
1633-1696 unknown view
i-i unknown view