cover image: Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates  Tuesday  16th March  1948  Official Report



Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates Tuesday 16th March 1948 Official Report


Shri B. Das: In view of the haul antecedeni's and bad legacy of Fauji Akkbar has the Honourable Minister considered the Otanging of the name of Fauji Al:!'bar to something else so thatit will command the respect of the Army and the publie at large? [...] as the Honourable Minister has just said is it the policy of the Government to increase the number of sanatoria in India? [...] propose to place on the table of the House the instructions issued to the Provincial Heads of the Income-tax department rlating to the collection of taxes frdm Indians owning properties and business interests in Indo-China; (e) whether it is a fact that the Ministry of External Affairs of the Goverment of India have forwarded to the Ministry of Finance the proposal to give advance loans to [...] The Honourable Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru: (a) and (b): Government have suggested to His Highness the Maluirawal of Jaisalmer the appointment of a person of their choice to administer the State ►mder the aegis of the Maharawal and His Highness has e.cceptbil the suggestion. [...] *Shrlmati Dakshayani.Velayudhan: (a) Will the Honourable Minister of Finance be pleased to state whether Government are aware that the price of tea and coffee has suddenly 'risen since the introduction of the Budget for the Year 1948-49 in the Assembly on the 28th February 1948?
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Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Tuesday 16th March 1948
2193-2266 unknown view
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