cover image: Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates  Part I - Questions and Answers  Wednesday  30th March  1949  Official Reports



Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates Part I - Questions and Answers Wednesday 30th March 1949 Official Reports


The Provincial Government are training villagers in the production of Khadi and have made anangements for the supply of cotton to them and also for the sale of surplus yarn and cloth. [...] The Honourable Syama Prasad Manlierlee: I believe the honourable member is referring to distribution of grants from the Development Fund which the Goverinne of India placed at the disposal of provinces. [...] The Honourable Shri Jairamdas Doulatram : (a) The agricultural machinery imported by the Government of India on behalf of the Provinces and States is distributed by the Ministry of Agriculture through appointed stockistagents Who are also the manufacturers' agents in India. [...] to' their agents in India but the Government of India do not pay the entire commission ordinarily due to the agents from their rriamfacturers owing to the fact that the Government machinery is received in bulk -I-AnsNi 'er to this question laid on the table the questioner being absent. [...] A statement showing the main representations made by the Association and the action taken thereon is placed on the table of the House.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Constituent Assembly of India (Legislative) Debates
1945-1992 unknown view
i-i unknown view