cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday  24th March 1936. Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday 24th March 1936. Official Report


Rai Rajeshwar Bali (absent ) : Will the Government consider the actvisability of altering the dates so that they may suit the con vonience of university examinees The Hon'ble the Minister for Local Self-Government : The meeting of the Selection Committee has been postponed till some date in the rains which will be announced lacer. [...] chief purpose in moving this cut is to bring to the notice of t Government the need for utilizing the water of the rivers in udelkhand not only for the benefit of Bundelkhand but also for e benefit of the wale of the province I will perhaps be told that the irrigation works in Bundelkhand are not productive; they are only protective But I think they are protective and notVIE BUDGET 1936-37 : DI [...] The difficulty about developing power in Buodelkhand is that owing to the nature of the soil the rain water rues oil very quickly in the monsoons and the flow in the rivers diminishes rapidly to very little in March and April and practically nothing in Tay awl June. [...] I had on a previous occasion to draw the attention of Sir William Stampe to the fact that it is very necessary to line the guls of those tube-wells which are located in the bhur tracts and give priority over those tube-wells which are in the kather or dumat tracts because of the great loss of water in percolation in the bhur tracts. [...] As regards the qm.s.ion of employment I will refer the honourable member to the publication that we issued on the 16th of March of which I think all honourable members have a copy which shows the number of officers and subordinates engaged on the hydro-electric and tube-well schemes I cannot at the moment give the actual number of United.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
379-438 unknown view