cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday  31st March  1925. Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday 31st March 1925. Official Report


It appears that the reserved side of the Government has decided to appropriate the whole amount to itself which is absolutely unfair and unjust to the transferred side of the Government and violates the condition on which the remission has been granted by the Government of. [...] [Pandit Bhagwat Narayan Bhirgavad which the people's representatives in the then Council attributed to the over-assessment of revenue while the Government regarded it as the result) of the nnthrifbness of the people. [...] I just want a ruling from you about the position of a Bill in relation to the principle underlying it in connection with the motion for circulation for the purpose of eliciting public opinion whether the Council will stand committed to the principles of the Bill and will be precluded from discussing the principles of the Bill if they allow it to be circulated. [...] The public tendency and the policy of the Government and the desire of the country at larg particularly of the landlords is to safeguard the interests of the landed proprietors on whom the creditors are always trying to make encroachment; This principle is evident in the present Court of Wards Act. [...] Pandit Jhanni Lal Pande : Representing as I do a district of Bundelkhand I deem it my duty to inform the honourable members of this House that so long as I have the honour to be here any attempt either on the part of the Government or the non-official members to whittle down or even to decrease the 'privileges of the zamindars of Bundelkhand is bound to meet the strongest opposition from me.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
351-403 unknown view