cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces  Monday  24th February  1936  Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces Monday 24th February 1936 Official Report


Malabari in the conduct of the “Indian Spectator” ; he was the leader writer of the “Advocate of India” ; he wrote every single line of the English columns of the “Kaiser-i-Hind”; he was the Bombay correspondent of more newspapers than one ; and all this journalistic work he did without accepting a pie of remuneration from any quarter; and he did this for full two generations. [...] He shocked a former Finance Member of the Government of India by telling him—Sfr William Meyer—that he had read every single budget of the Government of India from the time of the first budg-et—from the earliest years from the days of Samuel Lane and James Wilson. [...] PRESENTATION OF THE BUDG-ET FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1936-37 The Hon'ble the Finance Member : I rise to present the budget for the year 1936-37 the last budget to be prepared under the present contitution. [...] The result of all these transactions will be a deficit of 4 16. This added to the revenue deficit of 73 70 makes a total of 77 86 which has hen shown as a receipt in the column of overdraft since it will have to be borrowed from the Government of India at the end of March 1937 so as to enable the new Government to start its administration without a minus balance. [...] We hope in this way to achieve our aim of making a recurring saving of 12 lakhs in the reserved departments though any reduction in the cadre of the Indian Civil Service and the Indian Police will require the sanction of the Secretary of State.
government politics public policy
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i-ii unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
13-56 unknown view
57-59 unknown view