cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Wednesday  6th April  1921. Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Wednesday 6th April 1921. Official Report


II No 16 OFFICIAL REPORT CONTENTS WEDNESDAY 6th APRIL 1921 Resolution re the salaries of the members of the Indian Medical Service Appointment of a committee to advise on the making of an opening in the head-works of the Lower Ganges Canal at Narora Resolution re the transferring of patwaris Resolution re the separation of Judicial and executive functions Resolution re the extension of the per [...] 8. Mahant Parmanand Gir: (a) Will the Government 1 e pleased to inform the Council as to how the Chairman the Secretary and the members of the notified area of the town of Chunar in the district of Mirzapur are appointed? [...] The lighting of the town is fair considering the smallness of the funds at the disposal of the committee. [...] I was also told that the percentage of the total increase made in the salariesof members of the Indian Medical Service in these provinces since the pu'dication of the report of the Royal Commission on the Public Services in India to the salaries drawn by them before then is 42.55 per cent. [...] The Hon'ble the President : We will now take up item on the agenda that is the appointment of a small Committee trona among the non-official members of the Council to advise the Government on the subject of making all opening in the headworks of the Lower Ganges Canal at Narora.
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. Wednesday 6th April 1921.
765-818 unknown view