cover image: Official Report  Bengal Legislative Council Debates  Thursday  12th September  1940



Official Report Bengal Legislative Council Debates Thursday 12th September 1940


(c) Do the Government go upon this as one of the considerations in making the appointment ? (d) Have the Government given instruction to the heads of the district adminifttration to ascertain the political views of the candidates before selecting them for appointment ? (e) Why are the persons holding different political or social views differently treated in the matter of appointment? [...] The offences are enumerated in the Fifth Schedule and lest any person should be prosecuted without any sanction of the Registrar or of any other officer of the CO-operative Department this safeguard is provided so that the papers relating to the offence of the persons and other things may come through the Registrar in order that he may consider whether it is a case for prosecution and whether the [...] (1) a member of a coperative society the object of which is the reclamation and colonization of land or the acquisition of land and the leasing thereof to its members shall not be entitled to transfer his possession of or interest in any land held by him under the society except to the society or with the previous approval of the society given in accordance with its bye-laws to a member the [...] The question before the House is : that the amendment to the amenment that the words "incurred before the vestin of the land in the co-operative society" be inserted after the word "debt" occurrint for the first tune in line 5 sub-clause (4) of the new clause be made. [...] PRESIDENT: The question before the House is : that after sub-clause (2) of clause 107 of the Bill the following sub-clause be added namely : — "(3) The "purchaser of any mortgaged property sold under this Chapter shall supply to the Registrar notices in the prescribed form for service on the landlord of such property together with such fee as may be prescribed for the service of such notices a
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The Bengal Legislative Council Debates
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