cover image: Official Report. Bengal Legislative Council Debates. Tuesday  10th September  1940



Official Report. Bengal Legislative Council Debates. Tuesday 10th September 1940


The question before the House is the amendment of Rai Bahadur Manmatha Nath Bose: that in sub-clause (2) of clause 83 of the Bill for the word "shall" in line 1 the words "may also" be substituted. [...] PRESIDENT: The question before the House is the amend-' ment of Khan Bahadur Naziruddin Ahmad : that in clause 88(3)(a) of the Bill for the figures "128" the figures "133" be substituted. [...] PRESIDENT: The question before the House is the amenment of Khan Bahadur Naziruddin Ahmad : that in clause 88 of the Bill in sub-clause (3)(a) for the words "preference of" in line.2 the word "preferring" be substituted; and the word "of" occurring for the second time in line 2 be omitted. [...] (1) Where in the course of winding up of a co-operatite society it appears that the liquidator has misapplied or retained or become liable or accountable for any money or property of the co-operative society or been guilty of any misfeasance or breach of trust in relation to the society the Registrar shall on the application of the person aggrieved refer the matter to the Court in whose jurisdi [...] (1) Where in the course of winding up a coperative society it appears that the liquidator has misapplied or retained or become liable or accountable for any money or property of the co-operative society or been guilty of any misfeasance or breach of trust in relation to the society the Registrar shall on the application of the person aggrieed refer the matter to the Court in whose jurisdic
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The Bengal Legislative Council Debates
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