cover image: The Calcutta Gazette. Thursday  June 11  1936. Part IA



The Calcutta Gazette. Thursday June 11 1936. Part IA


If the number of candidates exceeds that limit the Public Service Commission shall select frx among the candidates those who shall admitted to the examination and in doing so shall have regard to the suitability of -the applcants and to the adequate representation of the various provinces and conununities of India.110 THE CALCUTTA GAZETTE JUNE 11 1938. [...] The administrative appointments are not reserved for officers of the Transportation (Traffic) and Commercial or Transportation (Power) Departments of the Superior Revenue Establishment of State Railways and the Goernment of India reserve the right to appoint at their discretion an officer of any department of a Railway to any of these posts. [...] If the number of candidates exceeds that limit the Public Service Commission shall select from among the applicants those who will be admitted to the examination and in doing so will have regard to the suitability of the applicants and to the adequate representtion of the various provinces and communities of India. [...] 7. A candidate must be a graduate of one of the Universities enumerated in the first apendix to these rules or hold the Senior Diploma of the Mayo College Ajmere : Provided that in exceptional cases the Public Service Commission may on the recomendation of the GovernoGeneral in Council or a Local Government treat as qualified a candidate who though he has not any of the foregoing q [...] 34.—In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (c) of section 157 of the Sea Customs Act 1878 (VIII of 1878) and in supersession of the notifications mentioned in the annexed schedule the Governor-General in Council is pleased to make the following rule prescribing the conditions on which goods may be carried in a coasting vessel whether shipped at a foreign List of notifications superseded.
government politics public policy
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Part IA
109-120 unknown view