cover image: Parliamentary Debates. Parliament of India. Official Report. Saturday  11th August  1951  Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers



Parliamentary Debates. Parliament of India. Official Report. Saturday 11th August 1951 Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers


I appeal to them that it is better in their own interests and in the in- terests of the future of the world, in the interests of the peace that has to be established in this world that these two countries revise their opinions and adopt a correct attitude. [...] The net result will be that the people of Kashmir who have no say in the administration of their own territory will be associated in the same way with the management of their affairs as the people of the other . States in India are in connection with their own affairs. [...] The anxiety of the Pakistan Government can be explain- ed only on the supposition that they are afraid that if the people of Kash- mir find that they have exactly the same rights in Kashmir as the rest of the people in India they will stick firmly to the Indian Union and will not allow themselves to be- misled by propagandist appeals of the Pakistan Government. [...] Sitting here, at such a long distance, if you can draw any conclu- sion from the frequently occurring con- spiracies in the Pakistan army, the condition of their people and the slo- gans of the various parties there, it is going to be this that the party in po- wer is holding its sway only with the help of intrigues and cunning and not by dint of service to the people or on the score of any kind o [...] Kunzru asks why Pakistan is afraid of the Kashmir Constituent Assembly when the Government of India have repeatedly assui`. ed them that the decision of the Constituent Assembly of Kashmir would not in any way prejudice and bar the decisions"417 Motion on Address 11 AUGUST 1951 by the President 418 of the U. N.
government politics public policy
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The Parliamentary Debates(Part II-Proceedings other Than Questions and Answers)Official Report
373-436 unknown view
i-i unknown view