cover image: Parliamentary Debates  Parliament of India  Monday  23rd April  1951  Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers  Official Report



Parliamentary Debates Parliament of India Monday 23rd April 1951 Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers Official Report


. Speaker: I have to inform the House that uptu the time fixed for re- 109 PSD 7281 eiving nominations for the Standing Committees for the Ministries of Com- merce & Industry, Rome Affairs and Works, Production & Supply, one nomi- nation in the case of each of the first two Committees and two nominations in the ease of the last were received. [...] Speaker, is to declare the whole of the company to be evacuee property which is against article 19(f) and is not covered by any of the pro- visos. [...] If the de- finition of evacuee is strictly interpret- ed, then the entire property can he declared to he evacuee property, but the Custodian has laid it down that in such cases only the share of the eva- cuee will be declared to be evacuee property. [...] What the amendment seeks to do is that although the management will be taken over, only the shares of the evacuees will be treated as evacuee property and the shares of the non- evacuees will not be treated as evacuee property. [...] I believe that it is not the intention of the Government to treat the minorities badly.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-7280 unknown view
Motions for Adjournment
7280-7280 unknown view
Section to Committees
7280-7280 unknown view
Administration of Evacuee Property (Second Amendment) Bill
7280-7308 unknown view
Forward Contracts (Regulation) Bill
7309-7319 unknown view
i-i unknown view