cover image: The Oriental Seminary  Annual Report 1953



The Oriental Seminary Annual Report 1953


On the dcath of the founder, the entire manage- ,ment of the Seminary devolved upon his brother, the late Babu hurray Kristo Muddy, who devoted all his time in the interest of the institution, which conti- nued to maintain its proud position as one of the most respectable and independent schools in Bengal. [...] Babu Hurray Kristo Auddy could not be persuaded to affiliate the Seminal)/ with Calcutta University by reason of a morbid fear of inability to maintain a stall' of Indian and European Professors, owing to the loss of income cont-equent upon the starting of rival institutions as stated above. t 7 ) 7. In the beginning of the fifties of the last cen- tury, the then newspapers annouuced that the boys [...] The advertisements in the Morning Chronicle and the Citizen showed that the Merchant of Venice was played on the 9th March 1854, by the Seminary boys. [...] Issur Chandra Gupta, poet and Editor of the Probhakar, in the issue of the paper of the 14th February, 1853 observed, "since the foundation of the Oriental Seminary by an Indian gentleman of no ordinary ability it is sending forth every year young men well educated and fit to enter the world. [...] A Savings Bank Acccunt with the Imperial Bank of India has also been opened in the name of the The Oriental Seminary Reserve Fund' and the amount at the credit of this Account stood at Rs.
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The Oriental Seminary the Past
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The Oriental Seminary Annual Report
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