cover image: The Calcutta Weekly Notes  Law Notes and Notes of Cases of the Calcutta High Court and of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the English Law Courts  Monday  February 7  1927



The Calcutta Weekly Notes Law Notes and Notes of Cases of the Calcutta High Court and of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the English Law Courts Monday February 7 1927


The movement for the mod rnization of the laws and the legal institutions of China may be said to have been inaugurated towards the end of the last century when. [...] In the Colonies on the other hand the dicretionary power of refusing a dissolution was exercised with frequency and it has to be cosidered which of the two traditions the colonial or the English is better adapted to the needs of the dominions. [...] In many of the Dominions again the spoils system has been introduced with dangerous results to the honesty of administration : the vast patronage that is in the gift of the party in power is too often utilised for unfair consolidation of partstrength and enslavement of rival opinion. [...] The advantages of office and the control over the electoral machinery that office necessarily gives are used for repressing the real opinion of the people and manufacturing an artificial one while the block system which is an offspring of multiple parties helps in sustituting opinions of minority groups for the stable will of the majority. [...] In Ganesh Lal's case it was held in the lower Court that the principal morgage deed executed by one Suryamani was not executed in compliance with the provisions of the law so as to make it binding on Suryamani but their Lordships of the Patna High Court altered this finding of the lower Court and held that " the Defendants had established legal necessity in respect of the mortgage of the 23
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The Calcutta Weekly Notes Law Notes and Notes of Cases of the Calcutta High Court and of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the English Law Courts Monday February 7 1927
lxv-lxviii unknown view

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