cover image: The Calcutta Weekly Notes  Monday  February 11  1929



The Calcutta Weekly Notes Monday February 11 1929


During the second reaing of the Appellate Jurisdiction Bill in the House of Lords the Lord Chancellor coplained that of late the Indian work of the Judicial Committee had increased so enomously that all Dominion appeals and apeals to the House of Lords had been held up for a considerable time as the necessary number of Judges could not be found to constitute a second Board. [...] The quetion discussed is whether sanction of the Court appointing a receiver is necessary to prosecute the receiver in the Criminal Court when the offence alleged is said to have been committed by the Defendant as receiver. [...] 1. was the receiver appointed by the Court and the Magistrate refused to entertain the complaint withotit the sanction of the High Court. [...] The learned Judges oserved: " It may be desirable to bring to the notice of the Court which appointed the rceiver the offence committed by the receiver in execution of the orders of the Court and obtain the leave of the Court before nrosectien but we think that we shall he trespasing on the functions of the legislature if we were to hold that the leave of the Civil Court is a condition [...] The word " Court " is not defined in the Code of Criminal Procdure but the law is that if a word is defined in the Indian Penal Code and is not defined in the Criminal Procedure Code the lefitttion given in the Indian Penal Cole is to he accepted.
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The Calcutta Weekly Notes Monday February 11 1929
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