cover image: The Calcutta Weekly Notes  August 15  1949



The Calcutta Weekly Notes August 15 1949


And we shall to-day of all days certainly hope that the powers that he will with the people’s collboration be guided by wisdom and insight and understanding and that out of the ashes of the bad old world crumbling b151elii THE CALCUTTA WEEKE4T10178 (Vail. [...] The jury has clearly given the verdict that while in the circumstances of the procession taken out in defiance of sec. [...] It was further observed that the two armed constables reponsible for the firing " did not appear to have a clear concept of police regulations governing the carrying and use of firarms." It appears that according to the jury responsible police officers present had not given " the necessary orders " and the firing had been left " to the discretion of the armed constables " who claimed wit [...] It has naturally therefore caused a stir even in the United States of America whose Government is making tday a most strenuous effort to advertise to the world the virtues of the western brand of " democracy " of which the present 152"Yd. [...] If may be pointed out that this is the only remedy for an aggrieved party for the prevention of a succession of ultra vires orders after withdrawal of the probate proceeding to the High Court as clause 15 of the Letters Patent affords no remedy in such a case (see 47 Cal.
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The Calcutta Weekly Notes August 15 1949
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