cover image: Monthly Survey of Business Conditions in India  October 1950



Monthly Survey of Business Conditions in India October 1950


Rumours about the devaluation of the Pakistan rupee which were current during the first half of September and the occurrence of floods in the Punjab and Sind during the latter half of the month together with the tight world cotton position were largely responsible for the rising trend of prices - details of which are given below. [...] 17 to 20 per maund and the ginning factories held an emergent meeting to consider the conditions created by the abnormal rise in prices of kapas and the dangers arising out of the possible failure on the part of farmers to fulfil their contracts. [...] FIRST ESTIMATE OF COTTON: The first All-India Estimate of cotton for the season 1950-51 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture places the area under the crop at. [...] The following table gives the statistics of total production of jute manufatures as reported by the mills in the membership of Indian Jute Mills Association: Production of Jute Manufactures (In tons). [...] It will be recalled that the question of icreasing the production of sugar had received considerable attention from Government at the beginning of the season and they had taken various steps to stimulate production including exemption from the excise duty for additional output of sugar during 1949-5) season over the production during the previous season.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
ii-ii unknown view
Section One. General
1-1 unknown view
Section Two. Principal Commodities
2-24 unknown view
Section Three. Agricultural Situation
25-27 unknown view
Section Four. Units of Electric Energy Generated and Sold
28-29 unknown view
Section Five. Commodity Price Indices
30-30 unknown view
Section Six. Foreign Trade
31-35 unknown view
Section Seven. Railway Traffic
36-38 unknown view
Section Eight. Financial Position
39-46 unknown view
Section Nine. Labour Situation
47-48 unknown view

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