cover image: The Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society



The Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society


Esthonian further the language of the Lapps those nomads living in the north-eastern parts of Norway as well as in some northern sections of Finland and Russia; then in the centre of Russia the Syrjiinian and Votyak languages spoken in the former government of Perm along the rivers Kama and Viatka; Tcherenziss especially on the left bank of the knee of the Volga; and Mordvinian spoken to the [...] From this tongue the first one to be separated probably during the third millenium was the Magyar or Hungarian —spoken actually by about ten million people in the Carpathian basin and especially en the Danube;—then the Vogulian south-east from the end of the Ural range; and the Ostjak further to the cast on the banks of the Ob Irtich and some smaller Siberian rivers. [...] The incitement to the exodus might have been among other things as already said the news of the civilizaton of the Indus Valley; that the fame of the wealth and splendour of this civiliztion must have spread far and wide we see from the lithic and metal finds of Mohenjo-daro coming from far-away places. [...] "2 Now there is no doubt that the Krttiltis are the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades 3 and all are agreed that the passage refers to the direction the K. :ttikas and other stars have at the moment of their rising.4 Further the above passage is given in a rule for the orientation of fire-altars. [...] The passage therefore gives us the valuable infomation that in the time of the Baudhayana grauta Sutra §rona rose at the same point of the horizon as the Krttikas enabling us to infer the date B. C. 1330 for the Baudhayana §rauta SOtra.14 The third alternative also fits in with this date.
anthropology archaeology
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-vi K.P. Jayaswal, J.F.W. James, A. Banerji view
Munda Tongues Finno-Ugrian
107-120 W.F. Hevesy view
Astronomical Evidence on the Age of the Vedas
121-136 Gorakh Prasad view
Location of Dantapura
137-138 S Levi view
Some Old Accounts of Bhagalpur
139-190 K.K, Basu view
“Early Signed Coins of India”
191-193 K.P Jayaswal view
Reviews and Notices of Books
194-197 A Banerji view
Notes of the Quarter
198-199 unknown view
List of members of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society on 31st December 1934
200-211 unknown view
A Dialect of Bhojapurl
57-86 unknown view

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