cover image: Modern Review  March  1916



Modern Review March 1916


The vrea ter the man the more is he able to stand in the place of to identify himself with the meanest of men in the world's estimation. [...] lie established the only Girl's School in Kathiawar and liras the first to DiNiensary and aki Asylum for the maintenance of the poor h ;are unable. [...] If the Government thought thnt they could not uproot the vice thereby they were ileeinrirne thcir untlineas La manage the Let theui band over the mumtgerneot of the depart Ihellt to the leaders ol the people and he would gidatierlt:;q: 034C tI141 would arN it tbeit bcForc 10eg the Chink enemy was expelled without 'muting oily commotion aini-Jog tear people. [...] Thern..elves prrived unfit Ifir the inanagreirpent of the they would not let the.11 1unieipalities bodies 'lake the matter into their owu I they wanted the money the pelvic were willing to pay the antiJunl they wanted by tauing tlartnlrc ms in other and. [...] 11.1s he now changed his opinion regarding the risks involved in educational cKpansion in general and did the Goverment of Bombay write the passage we have 411100...(lattr consulting him Orshould that ilrovernment he given the monopoly of the CAVel t It ir siieh a wise passage ? What the Bomb?
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Ramananda Chatterjee view
261-284 unkmown view
My Reminiscences
285-290 Rabindranath Tagore view
Kalidasa the Spirit of Asia
291-292 Benoy Sarkar view
Iniermaerjacpe Between Hindli Castes and Sub—Castss
293-298 Chimanlal Maganlal view
The Lundon Money-Market and the war
298-302 K.M. panikkar view
Paper-Pulp From the bamboo
302-306 unknown view
The Struggle
306-311 J.J. Bell view
Ideals of Domestic Felicity
311-321 unknown view
The Beginnlng of Hindi Culture as World-Power
321-324 Binoy Sarkar view
A Visit to the Bengal CHemical and.pharmaceutical Works
324-326 Satis Mukherji view
Reviews and notices of Books
326-332 unknown view
Report on Inderturd Labour in Fiji
333-339 C.F. Andrews, W.W. Pearson view
339-342 unknown view
342-346 Rabindranath Tagore view
Indian Periodicals
346-350 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
350-355 unknown view
Round the World With My Master
356-360 J.C. Bose view