cover image: Modern Review  January  1949



Modern Review January 1949


He then read out the operative clause of the resolution as amended yesterday and said it was obviously the duty of the members of the Cabinet or members of the Working Committee to set an example and maintain a high 'tadard of conduct. [...] The appoinment by the Jaipur Congrees of a thre-men Co►- mittee consisting of two of the topmost wen in the Central Govcrnment and of the heed of the Cotigre for the coming year shows that the report Inns already been reserved for the waste-►aper baaket The point has been raised that the three-men Commission went beyond their terms of reference. [...] In view of the attainment of complete indepedence and the establishment of the Republic of India which will symbolise that independence and give to India the status among the nations of the world that is her rightful due her present as socilion with the United Kingdom and the Commowealth of Nations will necessarily have to change. [...] In the debate on Ow clause in the Constituent Assembly the Prime Minister of India is reported to have stated that the Government of India is entirely in favour of the separation of the judiciary from the executive and that he did not know how any provincial Government could delay the matter. [...] If the time-limit of 10 years be removed from the Article at the time of passing it :Li has been done while considering the question of erpamtion of the judiciary and the executite and the word 'endeavour' he retained the entire Article will be reduced to a mere pious wish with no binding !owe to execute it.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii Kedarnath Chatterji view
3-20 unknown view
the Status of Hyderabad During and after Britsh Rule in india
21-28 Taraknath Das view
Position of the Dominions in British Commonwealth
28-30 Sharad DUBEY view
Gandhin Plan and Full Employment
31-33 Shriman Agarwal view
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
33-35 B.R.K view
Crowing Plants Without Soil
36-39 Neil Stuart view
Mural Paintings of Kerala
39-43 Jatindra Datta view
Britain’s Water Supply
43-44 Barbara Stuart view
Some Charateristics of Japanese Life
45-50 Sunil Shome view
Beating About the Bush
50-52 J.C Kumarappa view
indian Art Exhibition at Delhi
53-54 O.C Gangoly view
How the First Split Came in the indian National Congress
54-56 Nandalal Chatterji view
The inflation and its Cure
57-62 Indu Ghosh view
The Reserve Bank of India and Agricultural Finance
63-65 G.P. Gupta view
Comment and Criticism
65-66 unknown view
India’s Publicity Abroad
67-70 J.J. Singh view
Book Reviews
70-74 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
75-80 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
81-85 unknown view