cover image: The New Review  February 1942



The New Review February 1942


Th faculty enabled him to conceive of the winds as the Manias the wind-haired spirits as the Gandharvas and the phases of the moon as D114 THE NEW REVIEW the moon maidens. [...] Further in the Preamble to Hague Convention IV of 1907 one reads that 'usages established between civilized nations the laws of humanity and the requirements of the public conscience have been declared to constitute the principles of the law of nations. [...] It is also a matter of common 4nowledge that the Canaanites regarded 'Baal as the giver of rain and ascribed to him the fertility of the earth and the growth of vegetation. [...] His principal enemy was Mot the God of Death and king of the Netherworld the personifiction of all the forces of destruction and annihilation of all the powers that oppose life and tend to destroy it. [...] This Canaanite mode of construction—covering stone walls with cedar planks and adorning the latter with gold—is mentioned in the Book of Kings with regard to the building of the Temple of Solomon by Canaanite craftsmen while the details of the silver and gold assuming shape and occuping their place of their own accord runs parallel to the late Jewish legend about the golden calf taking shape
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
This Side and that
89-96 Pro Domo view
B.N. Saletore: His Mind and Poetry
97-115 Kalidas view
Turkish Renovation
116-123 F. Cole view
124-127 W. Bryce view
On Laws of War
128-131 K.R.R. Sastry view
The Palace of Baal
132-138 U. Cassute view
Reorganization of Rural Self-Government
139-163 K. Jayaraman view
Literature and Deaocracy
164-172 B.J. Wadia view
Some Recent Books
173-176 A.S.J. Lallemand view

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