cover image: The Friend of India and Statesman  Friday  January 25th  1878



The Friend of India and Statesman Friday January 25th 1878


Ir is Mid that a despatch from the Secretary of State directs the diffMent departments not to leave the presidency for the bills till the middle of April and to re-assemble at the presidency by the beginning of November at the latest. [...] And then the Dhond and Mummer Railway— bow the it is that the Government wanted no urging to begin that line 1 It wee the public that would not hear of it ; the Government was most impatient to get the lino made ; nod Sir Andrew now triumphantly remind' us that " the waste of power "over the Ghtts and the risk attending it have been eliminated "for all time by the construction of the 1)1 1.111 [...] A special provision had been added obliging the payee to defray the cost of the stew affixed to an unstamped receipt by the person to whom it is given ; though one could not have been very hopeful of refentilrum thin clause which apparently left the holder of the receipt to recover his one anus in the Civil Court in case the giver of the receipt refuses to pay it. [...] Other innovations evations and improvemeuta the tightening of the penal grip of the law upon wicked people who play fast and louse with stamped papers ; the assimilation of the sliding scale for bonds and conveyances to the English system; and certain alterations in the schedules of court fees of which the most important relates to the equalisition of proase-serving fees all over India. [...] It plainly become' unjust to compare the annual most of the one institution with the other on the ground that Government never intended to change the slakes of the hospital." It is abundantly elm that it not only intended to make the change but actually did make it and passed all the estimates that the change necessitated.
government politics public policy
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
The Friend of India and Statesman
71-90 unknown view
Supplement to the Friend of India and Statesman
91-94 unknown view
English Supplement to the Friend of India and Statesman
1-4 unknown view