cover image: The Journal of the National Indian Association  in Aid of Social Progress and Education in India  August 1884



The Journal of the National Indian Association in Aid of Social Progress and Education in India August 1884


There is a passing allusion to this matter in the Report of the Commission in connection with the subject of elementary education in the Punjab where the value of the instruction imparted in the departmental elementary schools is said to have been impaired by its being given through the medium of Urdu which is not the vernacular of the rural population and which it is stated has an unsettli [...] The Education dispatch of 1854 contained an emphatic declaration that it was neither the aim nor desire of the Home Government to substitute the English language for the vernacular dialects of the country and that any acquaintance with improved European knowledge could only be conveyed to the great mass of the people through one or other of the vernacular languages ; but in the course of the dis [...] It is essential to efficient administration that the resposibility of the head of the Department to the Government should be absolute ; but with the introduction of a Board between the Director and the Government the responsibility of the former would practically disappear. [...] But while the practical difficulty to which I have alluded renders it in my opinion impossible to give full effect in this matter to the intentions of the framers of the Dispatch of 1854 I cannot think that the Government of India ought to sanction so wide a departure from the principles and policy of that dispatch as is involved in the withdrawal of the grant made to the college department of [...] A further proof of progress will be found in the fact that in the Report of the Royal Commission on Technical Instrution an interesting contribution to the question of the emploment of women is made in a short section which describes the results of the Commissioners' visits to Schools established in most of the large towns for the industrial training of girls and is followed by a suggestion
government politics public policy
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
The Report of the Indian Education Commission
333-353 Alex Arbuthnot view
Historical Suggestions in the Ancient Hindu Epic the Mabharata
354-360 Charles Stone view
Social and Philanthropic Institutions in the West
360-363 M. S. K. view
363-365 Constance Plumptre view
Girl’s High School in the Deccan
365-367 unknown view
The Evil of Mixed Ages in Schools
367-368 S. B. view
Shornalata: A Tale of Hindu Life
369-378 Tarak Ganguli view
Valmiki the Great Epic Poet of India
378-380 P. V. Raju view
Medical Women for India
380-383 A. Hilson view
Indian Intelligence
383-384 unknown view
Personal Intelligence
384-384 unknown view
National Indian Association
i-ii unknown view