cover image: The Forum  July 8  1924



The Forum July 8 1924


The alleged "concession" are driving Britain to stake a lot of her to the Turkish Petroleum Company in 1911 prestige in adventures in the Mid East — has no validity as the Turkish Government of the smell of the " oil of Mosul " and of never ratified it ; neither is the inclusion intercepting the march and advancement of Mosul in the British mandated area at the Editorial Comments"706 THE FORUM JU [...] The natural effect of the proposed logiLances to prove that early marriage is not lation on the minds of the people concerthe cause of the weakness of the mother i ed will it is believed be to compel them to or the offspring born of the mother in her avoid a situation in which the marriage of a 14th year or even earlier. [...] contemplate the havoc which has already The functions of the dilletante and the been wrought in the social organisation of rAihreformer" ended however with the dethis country by the irresponsible dilettante and the irresponsible reformer of the traction they its wrought. [...] The difficulties of technical which would ensue the tendency would be to control and the supply of the technical staff of bring the prices of Indian made steel down to the the highest class which have hitherto been a average world level." serious handicap to the industry in India will The United Steel Corporation of Asia Limited be overcome by the association of Messrs Cammell organised in 1919 [...] In the Corporation's written mercantile marine of the United States have statement to the Tariff Board they said : " The compelled the capitalists and the industrialists of United States of America is now the leading Britain to look for establishment of industries steel country of the world and before the War abroad with special regard to the geographical. both the United States of Amerioa'and G
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
Editorial Comments
705-707 unknown view
Divine Retribution
707-709 unknown view
The Two Paths
709-710 unknown view
We Live to Learn
710-712 unknown view
Dilettantism in Social Legislation
712-715 unknown view
Protection in India
715-719 unknown view
Asia for the Asiatics
720-723 unknown view
A French View of Nietzsche
723-724 unknown view
Recent Advance in Science
724-725 unknown view
Magazine Corner
725-727 unknown view
Indian Press
727-730 unknown view
Foreign Press
730-736 unknown view

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