cover image: The Forum  August 26  1924



The Forum August 26 1924


proceeds on the hypothesis that we must prepare for winning Swaraj not only against the wishes but in spite of the opplisition of the Government"; the "finding of fact" on twhich the movement is based is that " the whole existing machnery 413f the Government including the Lgislatures and law courts has for its aim the consolidating of official power over the people"; the "practical conclusio [...] The nature and strength of the sandion that we are required to create and adopt depends upon the quantum of interest involved in the struggle and the resources with which the opponent will fight. [...] Another factor has been introduced to coplicate the situation by the opening of the Panama Canal and the acquisition of its concession by the United States of America as well as the vast increase'"928 THE FORUM AUGUST 260921 of the mercantile marine of America and Japan and the growing displacement of British commerce in the Pacific ports and the markets commanded by those ports. [...] lu the treat' and organisation of this force we are bound to take inspiration from the fact that Brtish ocettpation of India has done immense service to mankind by bringing home to them the importance of self-government and the baneful effect of long foreign subjection by proving the stubborn fact that the deatrate in India is the highest in the world and the Ave. [...] Slant Malaya and Cambodia in whose blood is mingled the stream of all the Buddhist ages of the past." The establishment of this relationship will help to restore the balance over-weighted by the material domnane of the West over the East.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
917-917 unknown view
Editorial Comments
917-920 unknown view
The Patent Miracle
920-924 unknown view
The Agitation for Swaraj
924-925 unknown view
We Live to Learn
925-926 Ferar view
The Sanction for the Swaraj Demand
927-930 Baman Das view
Indo-Burman Relations
930-933 unknown view
Disenchantment of Modern Civilisation
933-937 unknown view
Colour Prejudice in U.S.A.
937-939 unknown view
Prices During Fifty Years
939-939 unknown view
“Economic Segregation” in South Africa
939-940 unknown view

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