cover image: The Kalpaka - India’s only Psychic and Spiritual Review  April 1925



The Kalpaka - India’s only Psychic and Spiritual Review April 1925


Large Benevolence shown in the height to the front head and prominence of the anterior superior part of the brain gives to the true Philanthropist a kindly sympathetic benign expression ; the philosopher must have large reflective and reasoning faculties ii.dicated in the breadth height and prominence of the forehead; the scientist in prominence of the perceptive faculties and fulness Of th [...] Super intelligence is nothing but the latent ability to centralize and apply thoroughly the potential forces of the mind in the forms of a particular channel of action and also the ability to receive impressions of the phenmena of action and to deduce from a series of experieces of the pros and cons of observed phenomena certain formative principles for a further course of action cosist [...] If the basic force of the unconditional energy is static permanent illimitable and infinite and if the world and the cosmic forces depend entirely on the uconditional energy how to perceive the operation of the unconditional law in the workings of the cosmic energies? [...] The concentrating energies of life are the particular cosmic energie which have the power of uniting and reconstructing shaping and reshang the disintegrated particles of atomic matter in tliltlink of the cosmic-econorly thus lending in a way to preserve the balance between the organic and the inorganic worlds. [...] The following pc:Orli-9 in phrenology are accepted by Nisbet and will be generally appreciated by the followers of Gall and Sphurzheim " The cerebrum which fills the upper portion of the skull in the shape of the right and the left hemispheres"; " The hemispheres of the brain consist mainly of a mass of white subtance overlaid with a thin coating of gray matter "; " This outer layer varies i
philosophy religion
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
145-145 S. Iyer view
Behold the Dreamer
146-147 T. L. Vaswani view
The Foundations of Spirtualism
148-150 P. S. Acharya view
Phrenology Applied to Art
151-154 J. Severn view
Vitalising the Will—III
155-163 S. Vaidyanathan view
The Soul’s Questionings
164-165 Haripada Das view
How to Free and Use Your Stored Energy
166-167 Anne Duryea view
Tripura Rahasya or a Practical Study in Consciousness
168-170 V. R. Subrahmanyam view
A Study Of Nisbet’s “The Insanity of Genius”
171-174 W. Wheeler view
How We Drive Away the Things We Long for Most
175-178 Orison Marden view
Psycho-Analysis and Rational Business Success Etc.
179-184 Franlin Kelley view
185-186 Ruby Remont view
Notes of the Month
187-192 P.S.A. view

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