cover image: India Quarterly (A Journal of International Affairs)  April - June 1952



India Quarterly (A Journal of International Affairs) April - June 1952


The process of capital formation thus involves a limitation of the flow of consumer goods for the immediate present in return for the possibility of a flow of goods and services in the future. [...] INDIA'S FIVE YEAR PLAN Because the plan of the Government of India is the latest revision available and because of the importance of progress in economic deveopment in one of the largest areas of Asia and the Far East its plan dserves further consideration. [...] This includes the cultivation among the masses of the people of a fervent desire for ecnomic progress and of a mental attitude favourable to change to the adoption of new and improved techniques which increase output and to experiments with new material techniques and social institutions; the elimination of the present institutional obstacles to development such as the caste system the relati [...] The fields in which technical assistance was provided in the past to dependent territories by foreign capitalists and the metropolitan powers were determined largely not by the needs of the peoples in the area concerned but by the interests of the foreign investors and of the metropolitan Governments. [...] (a) Objects and Guiding Principles of the Expanded Programme The purpose of the Expanded Programme as defined by the Ecnomic and Social Council is to help underdeveloped countries 'to strengthen their national economies through the development of their industries and agriculture with a view to promoting their economic and political independence in the spirit of the Charter of the United Natio
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii B.N. Ganguli, Zakir Hussian, M. Mujeeb view
Capital Requirements in Asia and the Far East
117-131 Norman Gold view
What the Underdeveloped Countries have to Do
131-141 Maurice Zinkin view
Technical Assistance for Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries
142-156 P.S. Narasimhan view
Three Years of Point Four
156-158 B.N. Ganguli, Zakir Hussian, M. Mujeeb view
The Colombo Plan
158-170 B.S. Prasad view
Economic Development in India
171-206 D.R. Gadgil view
Economic Development in the Middle East
207-217 George Hakim view

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