cover image: Central Hindu College Magazine  New Series  January 1st 1915



Central Hindu College Magazine New Series January 1st 1915


Another prophecy is that of Isaiah who said: Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days." In the Mall'abhArata there is a prophetic pasage which deals with the end of the world as follows:- '() King towards the end of those thousands of years constituting the four yegas and when the lives of men bec [...] If the force of the collision were somewhat less so that the hot atmosphere of the sun is only expanded to a comparatively small extent the increase of the solar radiation would still be sufficient to vaporise all the water in the seas and to burn up everything on the surface of the earth. [...] In passing it would so disturb the sun by its attraction that the deformation of the sun would cause the evolution of a good deal of heat perhaps enough to destroy the world and if this body passed near the earth the dformation of the earth by its attraction of the rotating earth set up such stresses that the earth's crust would split and crumble and the tides would sweep round the earth over [...] THE COLLISION If the earth chanced to be in that part of its orbit at right angles to the line joining the centres of the sun and the dark star the sight at the moment of contact can be faintly imagined. [...] Either he is entirely absorbed in the pursuit of wealth and utterly blind to the higher side of things and the spiritual life or else his chief object in existence appears to be simply the physical enjoyment of the passing moment."22 THE CENTRAL HINDU COLLEGE MAGAZINE To listen to the conversation of some men of the present so-called civilized age one would suppose them to be the mere insects
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
In The Crow’s Nest
1-6 B. D. view
An Appeal to the Old Boys of the C. H. C.
6-8 Prakasa view
Indian Architecture
8-13 Ganga Misra view
Periyar Aiyappan Koyil
13-14 S. Nair view
The End of the World
15-20 unknown view
How to Build Character
21-25 Venilāl Nānāvaty view
26-27 K. A. Kulkarni view
28-28 unknown view

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