cover image: Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly  Saturday  January 13  1951



Vigil - An Independent Political Weekly Saturday January 13 1951


Merely to put down the agtator and the saboteur by phsical might of the state or by "ordinance " which is merely civilized name for martial law is to treat the symptoms to the neglect of the root causes of the evil in the social system. [...] It was when Bapu saw that the activity of the British Government led to the poisoning of the very moral fibre of the community that he called it 'Satanic'. [...] The success of his mission was due not to a small extent to his integration of certain elments of Shamanist demonlatry with the new faith a process made easy perhaps inevitable by the presence of similar elements in the Tatrik Buddhism itself Some of the Bon devils vanquished by the Guru were made to accept the new religion bcame its protectors and were assigned places in the La [...] The "Red Devil Play" in which a dough effigy of the enemy of Budhism is cut to pieces has this significant invocation to the Indian saint: "Salutation to Padma-Sambhava! I here arrange to upset the hosts of demons by the aid of the hiden fierce ones. [...] They wished to consider the quetion of the demilitarisation of Germany because it was the most important question "for the cause of ensuring intenational peace and security and belongs to the deepest iLONDON LETTER An open door From our Correspondent"January 13 1951 terests of the peoples of Europe and of the peoples who suffered from Hitler's aggression.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-3 Krishna Kripalani view
The Economics of Neutrality
3-4 Krishna Kripalani view
What are Anti-Social Forces ?
5-6 J. B. Kripalani view
Indian Saints in Tibet
7-9 R. K. Gupta view
The Goddess of Great Illusion
10-11 Tapanmohan Chatterji view
India that is Bharat
12-19 “Plebeian” view
Snobs at large
20-22 R. T. Shahani view
i-ii Krishna Kripalani view

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