cover image: Board of Scientific Advice for India Annual Report for the year 1918-19



Board of Scientific Advice for India Annual Report for the year 1918-19


The study of the soils of orange gardens has been taken up in the Central Provinces and progress has been made with the survey of the tea d:stricts of North-East India by the officers of the Indian Tea Association. [...] The enormous: velocities observed in the expanding hydrogen (up to 2480 km/sec) can only be explained as the result of a collision or perhaps more plausibly by the of the enormous internal energy of atoms implying the actual destrution of matter in the interior of the star. [...] The reduction of the observations of the detailed. ) and the investigtion of the results in disturbed areas are being procee -:.v74-11 The magnetic elements at observatories..--/IYe tabu_ lation of the provisional values of declination. [...] Readings of the tide-pole at Basra]) have been continued under the orders of the Director of Inland Water Transport and from them the HarmonicAtilysis for the determination of the constants of the Port has been performed. [...] S. The title of this paper is lucestigations of hoslasy in Himalayan and Yeighbouriv Regions and it puts forward the proposition that the anomalies both the values of q and in the attractions of the plumb line which remain after the effects of isostatic compensation on the Hayford hypothesis have been allowed for may be due to imperfections in the application of the hypothesis rather than to de
technology medicine science
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-2 unknown view
Summary of Proceedings
3-4 unknown view
Part I.—;Agricultural Chemistry
5-7 W.H. Harrison view
Part II.—Forest Chemistry
8-9 J.L Simonsen view
10-11 G.C. Simpson view
Spectroscopic Research
12-13 unknown view
14-14 G.C. Simpson view
Terrestrial Magnetism
15-16 G.C. Simpson view
17-18 H.H. Layden view
19-22 GERALD LENOX— Conyngham view
23-25 C.C. Calder view
Botany II—Economic Botany
26-31 Albert Howard view
Botany II—Economic Botany
32-33 C.F.C. Beeson view
Botany II—Economic Botany
34-39 E.J. Butler view
Agricultural Bacteriology
40-45 C.M. Hutchinson view
46-49 W.F. Perree view
50-54 R.S. Pearson view
55-56 N. Annandale view
Zoology II—Economic Zoology
57-60 T. Bainbrigge Fletcher view
Zoology II—Economic Zoology
61-63 C.F.C. Beeson view
II—Veterinary Science
64-64 A. Sheather view
Medical Research
65-67 W.R. Edwards view
List of Publications
68-112 unknown view
113-iv unknown view

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