cover image: Final Report on the Survey and Settlement on the government and temporarily settled estates and of certain private estates in the Patna District 1901- 1904



Final Report on the Survey and Settlement on the government and temporarily settled estates and of certain private estates in the Patna District 1901- 1904


It is in this tract that most of the inland estates dealt with lie a few only lying on or just south of the high northern ridge."( 2 ) 3. The main drainage channel and the northern boundary of the district is the Ganges : besides the Sakri Poonpoon and the Myers. [...] The interest of Behar is largely historical but with the opening of the light railway connecting this place with Bukhtiarpur it promises to become the chief collecting and distributing centre for the grain traffic of the south-eastern quarter of the district. [...] A comparison of the other figures shows that except in respect of goats for a large number of which the bare hills of Ghorakatora in the south of the district provide grazing the zamindari estates are much better off than the Government estates generally. [...] foregoing paragraphs as to the material Condition of the tanants in the absence of any accurate figures for the actual population of the area covered by the estates dealt with. [...] The other three were all recent purchases and the object of the proprietors was in the case of the first two the identification of the property purchased one of them Salempur could only be surveyed as it was found to be purely urban area within the limits of the Barh Municipality ; for the other a record-of-rights was prepared.
government politics public policy
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-vii H Coupland view
Final Report of the Survey and Settlement of Government and Temporarily Settled Estates and of Certain Private Estates in the Patna District
1-24 unknown view
i-xix unknown view
Department of Land Records Bengal
1-5 unknown view
Board of Revenue L.P
1-4 unknown view