cover image: Memorandum of the Bihar and Orissa Franchisee Committee



Memorandum of the Bihar and Orissa Franchisee Committee


The question of increasing the number of women voters is dealt with in the portion of the report relating to " Women's suffrage ". The figures given above show that approximately 10 per cent of the total population in the urban areas will be enfranchised if all the voters on the municipal roll and those who pay Re. [...] Having regard to the figures shown in Annexure B the Committee considers that approximately 9 per cent of the population will be included in the electoral roll if the payment of the minimum 4haukidari tax is adopted as the basis of the franchise qualifcations and about 4.5 per cent if chaukidari tax-payers of Re. [...] The majority of the members of the Committee are of opinion that the percentage of voters who cast their votes intelligently under the existing franchise is low and that it is likely to be lower if the franchise is further extended. [...] The majority of the members agree that the indirect system of election according to the system of primary chaukidari village election as described in the local Goverment's memorandum forwarded with their letter of the 14th March 1932 is the only system of election which would enable the goal of universal adult suffrage to be reached within the life-time of this or the succeeding generation. [...] In the course of the discussions at the joint meetings it however transpired that in making the observations cited above the Central Committee had in view the percentage of existing electors in the major provinces of India and did not take into account the fact that only 1 per cent of the total population had the franchise in this province.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
1-28 unknown view
II—The Federal Legislature
28-33 unknown view
1-34 unknown view
35-65 unknown view