cover image: Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform [Session 1933-34]. Volume I (Part I.) Report



Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform [Session 1933-34]. Volume I (Part I.) Report


Questions asked by the Marquess of Salisbury on the position of the States in the Federal Finance Scheme of the White Paper and replies thereto by the Secretary of State for India............ 361 V. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for India on the federal Legislature.......... 367 VI. [...] II 490 0 0 The cost of repayment of the expenses of the Delegates from Burma was.... 1 178 0 0 The cost of printing draft reports and mashalled list of amendments was.... 425 0 0 The cost of the shorthand notes of the Dicussions was.......... 246 17 7 The cost of duplicating Confidential Memoanda Circulars etc. [...] Page 193 194 Difficulty of the subject.......... Composition of Council of State and Federal House 107 of Assembly proposed in White Paper...... 108 195 Method of election to Council of State proposed in the White Paper............ 108 196 Method of election to the House of Assembly proposed in the White Paper........ 108 197 The precedent of other Federations 109 198 Direct or i [...] Yet notwithstanding the measure of devolution on the Provincial authorities which was the outcome of the Act of 1919 the Government of India is and remains in essence a unitary and centralised Government with the GovernoGeneral in Council as the keystone of the whole constitutional 10 edifice ; and it is through the Governor-General in Council that the Secretary of State and ultimately Parlia [...] " The 25 practical difficulty in the way of achieving the objective of dyarchy and of obtaining a clear demarcation of responsibility arises not so much in the inner counsels of government as in the eyes of the Legislature the electorate and the public.
government politics public policy
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xxiv unknown view
Section I The Principles of a Constitutional Settlement
1-27 unknown view
Section II Provincial Autonomy
28-84 unknown view
Section III The Federation
85-90 unknown view
Section IV The Federal Centre
91-141 unknown view
Section V Special Subjects
142-244 unknown view
Section VI Burma
245-281 unknown view
First Appendix Proposals for Indian Constitutional Reform
282-380 unknown view
Second Appendix Scheme of Constitutional Beform in Burma if Separated from India Presented by the Secretary of State for India to the Joint Committee of Parliament on Indian Constitutional Reform
381-408 unknown view
Index to the Report of the Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform
409-427 unknown view