cover image: The Late Hon’ble Rai Kristodas Pal Bahadur C.I.E.  in Memorial



The Late Hon’ble Rai Kristodas Pal Bahadur C.I.E. in Memorial


A very leader among the men of his generation in the Press on the public platform in the Municipality and in the Legislative Council Kristo Das Pal advocated the claims and the interests of the men of his own blood with an eloquence and moderation and a calm irresistible logic which gained for him the love of his countrymen and the honour and respect( 9 of Englishmen. [...] The great literary ability which marks the Memorials and other papers issued in the name of the British Indian Association from the pen of Babu Kristo Das Paul with the assistance of course of the practical knowledge of the leading members of the Committee of the Association is hardly more surprising than the rare tact with which he reconciled and worked haroniously the conflicting element [...] The present and the future the affairs of to-day and the affairs of after-generations are involved in the unmerited on slaught which the Head of the Government has thought fit to make against the Calcutta Municipality. [...] But the scholar the man of genius sprung from the noble stock of the middle class of English men—that stock which has produced great men in all spheres of useful activity —became by the tide of circumstances and the necessities of his position the leader of the Conservative party after the death of Sir Robert Peel. [...] For long years as Secretary to the British Indian Association and Editor of the Hindu Patriot it fell to him to take the lead in the discussion of the many political questions of importance affecting Native rights and interests ; and during that time the ability the extent and variety of knowledge the argumentative power lie brought to bear on every subject testified to the rare gifts of mind
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The Late Hon’ble Rai Kristodas Pal Bahadur C.I.E. in Memoriam
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