cover image: The Sacred Book of the Jainas. Purusartha Siddhupaya



The Sacred Book of the Jainas. Purusartha Siddhupaya


Human sacrifices are associated With cannibalism which means eating the flesh of men of alien nation or of hostile kin.(3) The idea that God is the Lord of Creation and hence the best the most innocent and the purest of his creatures should be offered to Him accounts for the sacrifice of a son of ifants of young boys of human beings (R*K4g) of cows (lit4q) of horses ( sAqqA3-4 ) of b [...] The notion that the victim of a religious sacrifice is a fotunate being who suffers no pain and attains bliss everlasing in the heavens on high is obviously ill-founded The moans and sufferings the writhings and wrigglings of the victim are tangible and the loud noises created by the beating of drums and cymbals and the chanting of hymns and psalms only serve to deaden sensibility of t [...] The battles of the Crusade the wars of the Roses the French Revolution the war of American Indepedence the Havoc of 1857 the Revolution in Russia the Great War in which India and the leading great Powers of the world were engaged for five long years. [...] The description of the statures of our ancestors as given in ancient books may be called myths and fictions by the learned men of the present day but it is a fact which must be admitted that the mummified bodies of the kings of Egypt and the fossils of ancient people are no dwarfish structures of the modern times. [...] It adds to the success of a businessman of a man in power and responsible position of an artisan and an artist and of a labourer in the street and of a man who is placed in the lowest the dirtiest and the worst position in life.
philosophy religion
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-viii Amrita Suri, Ajit Prasad view
1-35 Ajit Prasada view
Synopsis of the Book
36-49 unknown view
Chapter I. Exposition of Purushartha Siddhyupaya
1-15 unknown view
Chapter II. Right Belief
15-23 unknown view
Chapter III.Right Knowledge
23-25 unknown view
Chapter IV.Right Conduct
25-70 unknown view
70-85 unknown view
1-iii unknown view
i-iii unknown view

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