cover image: Report of the Bengal Pilot Service Reorganisation Committee



Report of the Bengal Pilot Service Reorganisation Committee


The local Government are responsible for the administration of the Pilot Service as agents for the Government of India and any changes which may be proposed in connection with the service are subject to the approval of the Government of India and the Secretary of State. [...] The prcentige system worked satisfacturily tilt the oubreak of the war when 'ming to the decrease its the number of Ships visiting the pert of Calnlitin the earnings of the pilots were very greatly mlue(bi eminent took stops to compensate them for the less of fees ineurred owing to the decrease in shipping during the war. [...] At the same time they agreed to the suggestion of the Chamber that the question of the reorganisation of the service should be fully examined and the appointment of Hai present Comittee is one of the results of the above discussion.6 Whether the Bengal Pilot Service should be reorganised and placed under the control of the Port Commissioners Calcutta and If so what scheme of organisation s [...] C. Banerjee dissented from the majority of the Commismioners on the subject of transfer on the ground that the interests of Indians were safer in the hands of Goverment than with the l'ort Commission in which there is a European majov: The views of the Bengal Chamber and of the Port CommiBlom Ave been generally supported by bodies interested in the working of the rt of Calcutta. [...] In recommending the transfer to the Port Commissioners the Committee consider that the transfer would be all the more easy and the subsequent relations of the pilots with the Port Commissioners the more pleasant if SO far as the present members of the s.rvice are coneerned every elitn.i is made to relative any feeling of victimisati n on their part.
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Report of the Bengal Pilot Service Reorganisation Committee
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