cover image: Speeches Delivered by H.E. Earl of Lyton  Governor of Bengal during 1922-23



Speeches Delivered by H.E. Earl of Lyton Governor of Bengal during 1922-23


We the Chairman and Commissioners of the Corporation on belt:014 the citizens of Caleulta beg to offer Vonr liscclleitcy and Lady Lytton warm and cordial welcome to this city on Your Excellency's assumption of the exalted ollice Governor of the Presidency of Bengal. [...] British and Indian and also of sustained effort on the part or the Corfloration Calcutta Las itsProud position as the premier city of the East It is our endeavour in inssociation with the Calcutta Improvement Trust to improvement the amenities of civic life and to achieve the ideal ol. [...] tIties not the least trying of which is the Iinaimial embarrassment through which the country is ilas sing unless remedied must seriously hamper the growth and progress of those nation building deptalments such as Sanitation Education and the Industries upon ‘vhieli the success of the Ilefm its and the 4itture of the conatry so largely depend. [...] Your Excellency has filled the offices of the Civil Lord of the Admiralty Additional Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty British Commissioner for Propaganda in France and Chairmtnt of the Commission on Indian Students iu England and for the last two years Your Excellency has shared the responsibility of Indian"Administration with the Right flinehle Edwin Samuel... [...] The Khilafat wecslioll over Nvhiell the feelings of the Mill1110madalis are agitated in this Province as in the (Alter parts of the world has all along received and is receiving sympathetic consideration from the Government of Bengal as well as from the Government of India and this naturally leads us to expect the same consideration from Your Excellency whom God has chosen as the represet
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Speeches Delivered His Excellency Lord Lytton Durning 1922-23
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