cover image: Speeches Delivered by his Excellency the Right Hon’ble Sir John Anderson  Governor of Bengal During 1932-33



Speeches Delivered by his Excellency the Right Hon’ble Sir John Anderson Governor of Bengal During 1932-33


It may be freely admitted that in Bengal us in many other Harts of the world the growth of public health services and education the improvement of moans of communication and transport the development of the natural resources of the country and other nation-building activities have not kept pace with the ideals of the more enlightened sections of the community. [...] 3. We most fervently hope anti trust that in view of the fact that the landholders are a stable element in the Go‘rern men I. of the country having the greatest stake in the Lam! largest number of people under them contri huting the highest amount to the public exchequer and supplying up till now from nmongst themselves the majority of the loyal anti trusted advisers of the Government whether [...] And in saying this I am thinking not only of the great commercial and industrial Interests which you have created —giving occupation and a means of livelihood to hundreds of thousands of the people of India—but to the traditions of honest dealing in public life and private and of devoted service39 to the country in the social and economic and latterly under the reforms in the political sphere. [...] We earnestly hope that consideration of the interests of business which to-day is in the worst imaginable plight and the larger well-being of this country and the rest of the world Your Excellency will exert yourself to the utmost in the cause of a butter understanding between the people and the Government and the smoother course of the constitutional reforms which we are sure all enlightened [...] G. We fully appreciate the difficulties and magnitude of your task aggravated by the recent terrorist activities and we take this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of our sincere loyalty to the Crown and of our willing eo-operation in 11w administration of the province 7. May God grant you the vision of a sintesman who will rise to the height of the occasion and with the freshness of outlook
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Speeches Delivered by his Excellency the Right Hon’ble Sir John Anderson Governor of Bengal During 1932-33
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