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International Law and Custom in Ancient India


III (b) s Arthneantra X. 3. "a2 INTERNATIONAL LAW theory about the trusteeship of the monarckreceiYes further confirmation from the various theories about the origin of the state—even the social contract theory " being clearly discernible in the Mahabliarata the Agnipurana and the Arthasastra of Kautilya. [...] Aceording to Hindu ideas on the other hand the personality and the sovereignty of the state stood for the personality and the sovereignty of the prince. [...] sovereignty according to Kautilya are— the king the minister the country the fort the treasury the army and the friend.'" From a passage in Kamandaka 3 we learn however that Maya one of the authors of the Nitisastras described four only of the states of the Mandala or the " Circle of States " as ' sovereign states' : " These four namely the Fifigisu the Ant the Madhyama and the [...] Of the seven elements of sovereignty " the king the minister the country the fort the treasury the army and the friend " the country ' Shama Sastri pp. [...] In China there was a bond of sympathy between the various' constituent states but active hostility against the " barbarians." Tn the middle of the seventh century B. C. the Tartars of the north-west presented theselves in the court of Tsin requesting a treaty of peace and amity and humbly offering to submit to be treated as vassals of the more enlightened Power.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-v Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
1-13 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter I. Sources of International Law
14-23 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter II. International Status or Persons in International law
24-32 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter III. Intercourse of States
33-49 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter IV. The Essential Rights and Duties of States
50-57 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter V. The Theory of the Balance of Power
58-64 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter VI. Treaties and Alliances
65-85 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter VII. War: Character: Grounds
86-103 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter VIII. War: The Law Relating to Enemy Persons and Enemy Property
104-135 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter IX. The Agents Instruments and the Methods of Warfare
136-154 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view
Chapter X. Neutrality
155-161 Pramathanath Bandopadhyay view

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