cover image: Curry & Rice on Forty Plates or The Ingredients of Social Life at “Our” Station in India



Curry & Rice on Forty Plates or The Ingredients of Social Life at “Our” Station in India


Far from the busy haunts of a civilized world and the traffickings of men and plunged in the wild retirement of a luxuriant jungle smiles Kabob " the loveliest village of the plain " basking beneath the rays of the orient sun. [...] Chutney's wearied hour; but I suspect the squirrels and the Persian cats the cockatoos and the canaries the minahs and mogooses and the pigeons and the poodles appropriate the largest share of her devotion. [...] Observe the purity of the ecclesiastical style of architecture selected obviously the early Indian or Capenteresque one of the periods of the "Disappointed Gothic." But there goes Ginger ; that is his bungalow into which you see he has just driven and all that multitude of " the sick the maimed the lame the halt and the blind " that are thronging in at his gate are the afflicted ones of [...] Thus you see with the sick and afflicted thronging at his gate and the dead awaiting interment " Our Padre " amid the flash of light and cheerful pleasures has many a sterner duty to perform from which he never flinches ; and if he participates in the sports and amusements of the gay and the healthy he can and does share in the sorrows of the bereaved sympathize with the afflicted and cheer [...] The seclusion of a China and a Japan has nought to compare with the rigid interdiction of all intercourse from without that signalizes the government of the McGhee rule in respect to the non-admission of the foreigner ; for hermetically sealed are the garden gates and the glad voice of welcome rings not within its walls.
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i George Atkinson view
i-v George Atkinson view
Vignette Title
vi-vii George Atkinson view
Our Station
viii-x George Atkinson view
Our Judge
xi-xiii George Atkinson view
Our Judge’s Wife
xiv-xvi George Atkinson view
Our Magistrate
xvii-xix George Atkinson view
Our Magistrate’s Wife
xx-xxii George Atkinson view
Our Colonel
xxiii-xxv George Atkinson view
Our Colonel’s Wife
xxvi-xxxviii George Atkinson view
Our Padre
xxxix-xxxi George Atkinson view
Our Joint Magistrate and Collector
xxxii-xxxiv George Atkinson view
Our Mall
xxxv-xxxvii George Atkinson view
Our German Missionary
xxxviii-xl George Atkinson view
Our Doctor
xli-xliii George Atkinson view
Our Doctor’s Wife
xliv-xlvi George Atkinson view
Our Invalid Major
xlvii-xlix George Atkinson view
Our Spins
l-lii George Atkinson view
Our Band
liii-lv George Atkinson view
Our Races
lvi-lviii George Atkinson view
Our Coffee-Shop
lix-lxi George Atkinson view
Our Bath
lxii-lxiv George Atkinson view
Our Sporting Griff
lxv-lxvii George Atkinson view
Our Moonshee
lxviii-lxx George Atkinson view
Our Burra Khanah
lxxi-lxxiii George Atkinson view
Our Pack of Hounds
lxxiv-lxxvi George Atkinson view
Our Ball
lxxvii-lxxix George Atkinson view
Our Tiger-Shooting
lxxx-lxxxii George Atkinson view
Our Stage-Coaching
lxxxiii-lxxxv George Atkinson view
Our Agriculturists
lxxxvi-lxxxviii George Atkinson view
Our Nuwab
lxxxix-xci George Atkinson view
Our Theatricals
xcii-xciv George Atkinson view
Our Bazar
xcv-xcvii George Atkinson view
Our Bed Room
xcviii-c George Atkinson view
Our Travellers’ Bungalow
ci-ciii George Atkinson view
Our Cook Room
civ-cvi George Atkinson view
Our Cloth Merchants
cvii-cix George Atkinson view
Our Pig-Sticking
cx-cxii George Atkinson view
Our Garden
cxiii-cxv George Atkinson view
Our Farm Yard
cxvi-cxvii George Atkinson view
Our Wedding
cxviii-cxx George Atkinson view
Our Departure for Home
cxxi-cxxii George Atkinson view

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