cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the United Provinces. Monday  24th January  1938. Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the United Provinces. Monday 24th January 1938. Official Report


Ghulam Hasan : (cb) Will the Government be pleased to state whether the question of permitting whole-time teachers of the Unversities of Allahabad and Lucknow to seek election to the Legislatures was considered by any responsible committees of the said Universities ? (b) If so what was the personnel of the committees ; what was the decision arrived at and wimp was the date of such decision ? T [...] Ghulam Hasan : Is it a fact that the permission to the Professor was granted subject to the condition that he did not utilize the casual leave for the purpose of attending the meetings of the Legislature in Calcutta ? Parliamentary Secretary to the Hon'ble the Minister of Education Sir that supplementary really arises out of question no. [...] These amendments are formal amendments under the new constittion namely the Government of India Act 1935: In line 4 for Legislative Council " substitute " Legislative Assembly." Add the following at the end of the rule: " The term of office of the non-official members of the committee shall be five years provided that in the case of a member of the Legislative Assembly he shall cease to be [...] The Hon'ble the Speaker : The question is that at the end of the same rule the following be added : " The term of office of the non-official members of the Committee shall be five years provided that in the case of a member of the Legislative Assembly he shall cease to be a member of the Advisory Committee when he ceases to be a member of the Legislative Assembly '' The question was put and ageeed [...] As far as I can understand from the statement of objects and reasons as well as from the speech of the Hon'ble Premier the main object is to legalize existing executive orders with one principle addition which I think is all to the good that is that so far at least as the Magh Mela concerned a committee should be formed to assist the officer-in-charge of the management of the Mela.
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Legislative Assembly United Provinces
797-894 G.S.K. Hydril view