cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces  Saturday  July 31  1926 Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces Saturday July 31 1926 Official Report


I only want to address a few words to my brethren zamindars the Government and the swarajists to ask them to weigh dispassionately what the effect of this legislation will be on the peace and the good government of the land ; what its effect will be on the relations between the Gnerment and the zamindars ; what its effect will be on the relations between the tenants and the zamindars. [...] ask then what has been the feeling of that stake-holder ever since the Bill came on the anvil and has been under discussion ? I say it very frankly that the feeling of the landlords both outside and inside the Council has been that the Government has shown consistent lack of sympathy and sometimes even antipathy to the interests of the lanlords. [...] This rapprochement between Government and the opposition coming immediately after the Nagpur speech of His Excellency the Viceroy in which His Excellency extoi led the virtue of exchange of cigarettes between the member of the Government and the leader of the opposition in the lobby of the House has come none too soon. [...] But I do think that my duties in the House do require me to leave the garb of that order and to look at things which materially affect the welfare of the country from the point of view of a politician and of one who has got the welfare of the country at heart. [...] Therefore in the interest of peace and order in the interest of freedom of the country and in the interest of the A-mindars themselves I do appeal to them not to look at this question from the sole point of view of zamindars from whom this Bill may demand certain sacrifices but from a wider and greater standpoint and from the point of view of the effect which it would produce on the"THE BRA TE
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
1071-1118 unknown view