cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces  Friday  December 1  1932  Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces Friday December 1 1932 Official Report


I will not say more than this that I sincerely trust that the view taken by the majority of the members in that debate namely that the powers given by this enactment as well as by the oiler enacments which are at the disposal of the Government will prove fully sufficient for the Government to deal with any situatic n which is likely to arise in the near future. [...] Nawabzada Muhammad Liaquat All Khan: Sir when I supported the motion for reference of this Bill to a select committee in-the hope that the committee and later on this House would be able t o modify the provisions of the Bill in such a manner as to remove the objectioable features of the Bill the honourable Leader of the Opposition said that I was hoping too much. [...] There the executive cannot do anything against the wishes of the people against the wishes of the representatives of the people who come to the Legislatures which pass those laws and arm their exective with certain repressive measures. [...] Sir we remember that when this Bill was put up before this honourable House in the first week of November for being referred to the select committee the honourable the Leader of the Opposition Party lot loose the deluge of his rhetoric on the head of the Government. [...] At the same time I have to congratulate the Hon'ble the Finance Member on behalf of the party for his considerateness and the accommodating spirit which he adopted during the discussion of the Bill.
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of Agra and Oudit Thursday December 1 1932
783-794 unknown view