cover image: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday  27th January  1925. Official Report



Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the United Provinces. Tuesday 27th January 1925. Official Report


Has the attention of the Government been drawn to the effect of the construction of the railway line from Moradabad to Kashipur on the inhabitants of the tracts through which the line passes ? ANSWER. [...] On the other hand the committee considered that the presence of the bank protected a large area of the country to the east and south-east of the line against flood. [...] The committee referred to in the answer given to the previouquestion were of opinion that the omission of waterways in the Morad-: abad-Kashipur Railway has not adversely affected the flood condition over the tract of the country to the west of the line while it affords material protection to a large area of the country to the east and south-- east. [...] Mukandi Lal : Will the Government be pleased to state -what will be the approximate amount of contributions that the United Provinces Government will have to pay on account of extra allowances recommended by the Lee Commission and accepted by the Secretary of State for India to be pail to the All-India and Imperial Services that are in the service of the United Provinces Government ? The Hon'ble M [...] Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant : (a) Is the Government aware of the fact that the Agra Tenancy Bill Committee did not take up the question of tenure of Government tenants in Government estates which was referred to them by the Government in pursuance of the undetaking given by the Hon'ble the Finance Member during the last budget debate ? (b) Will the Government be pleased to appoint a committee to
government politics public policy
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i-i unknown view
Legislative Council United Provinces of agra and Oudh
81-161 unknown view