cover image: Legislative Assembly Debates  Thursday  23rd March  1933  Official Report



Legislative Assembly Debates Thursday 23rd March 1933 Official Report


(0) What was the attitude of the Indian representative at the League of Nations towards the Draft Report of the Committee of Nineteen on the Sino-Japanese dispute? [...] (c) The only general statement that I am able to make is that in the discussions at present proceeding between the Government of India and His Exalted Highness the Nizam the handing over of the administration of Berar to the Government of His Exalted Highness has not been cotemplated by either party. [...] Nabakumar Sing Dudhoria: Will Government be pleased to state if the scheme of Government for any reorganisation of the Posts and: Telegraphs Department as a result of the report of the Telegraph Estalishment Enquiry Committee will (a) be discussed With the representative organisations of the service and also (b) be placed before the House for examination of the far reaching result of the same? [...] Amar Nath Dutt: May I know Sir how the Government arrive at a percentage of the different communities to be appointed in the State service whether according to the percentage of the educated population or according to the whole population of a community educated or uneducated of a particular province? [...] Sir Muhammad Yakub: Will the Government adopt the system that the larger the number of questions put by the members of any community in the Assembly the greater the patronage to be shown to the members of that community ? In other words appointments will be made accord.
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Legislative Assembly Debates Thursday 23rd March 1933 Official Report
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