cover image: The Calcutta Gazette  Thursday  October 30. 1930



The Calcutta Gazette Thursday October 30. 1930


Eligible candidates shall be personally interviewed by the Selection Committee at Calcutta before they are selected for admission on the basis of the native districts and religions of the canddates. [...] 5. 3. Every application for admission to the class must be addressed to the Director of Public Health Bengal Writers' Buildings Calcutta and must contain all the following particulars on a separate sheet of paper. [...] 4. Letters of recommendation in support of a candidate in contradistinction to certficates from teachers or other persons entitled to speak of the abilities or character of an applicant shall be held to disqualify the person producing them as also attempts to obtain personal interviews with members of the Selection Committee. [...] 5. In communications addressed to the Director of Public Health subsequent to the submission of applications the native districts of the candidates must be stated. [...] [PART TB Results of the Final Diploma Examination of the Higher Class of the Government Weaving Institute Serampore for the session 1929-30.
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The Calcutta Gazette Thursday October 30. 1930
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