cover image: Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India



Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India


In fact it is the attainment of spirtual freedom—the transcendence of the narrow and egoistic impulses of life and the ascent of the human soul to the vision of the Universal—which is fundamental to Hindu religio-philosphical thought ; whereas an inordinate emphasis on reason and the powers of the intellect are the characteristic marks of the Western attitude to life. [...] Had it been so the Vedas and the Upanishads and other sacred Books of the East and the West that record the varied grades of the spiritual experiences of the seers of old would have been no better than mere myths and figments of a heated imagintion yielding no truths whatsoever and the greatest saints and mystics from whose quivering lips ecstatic utterances have leaped up in moments of their [...] "Those who have known the Vital Force of the vital force "868 PRABUDDHA BHARATA August the Eye of the eye the Ear of the ear and the Mind of the mind have realised the ancient primordial Brahman (Brih. [...] In the case of the ropsnake illusion the rope is the essence because it is abiding and the snake an unavoidable appearance; and because"374 PRABUDDHA BHARATA August the rope is the essence of the situation it is called real. [...] The positivist will no doubt argue that in relation to the actual the ideal appears as abstract and that the abstract cannot be the essence of the concrete.
philosophy religion
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
365-365 Ashokananda view
Sidelights on Hindu Culture
366-370 Ashokananda view
Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
371-372 Ashokananda view
Approaches to the Ideal
372-380 Kalidas Bhattacharyya view
Reason Revelation and Faith
380-384 Mahendranath Sircar view
The Problem of Tolerance
385-391 Henri-L Mieville view
Disbelief : What it is
392-394 Susil Maitra view
A Builder of Humanity
394-397 R. Ramakrishnan view
Whitehead’s Conception of God
397-403 Anil Sarkar view
Habib Ajmi—the Miser
404-406 Aga Syed Dara view
406-408 Vimuktananda view
Notes and Comments
408-410 Ashokananda view
Reviews and Notices
411-413 Ashokananda view
News and Reports
413-416 Ashokananda view

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