cover image: Indian Education



Indian Education


Who dreams of sending his son to school for the pursuit of health ? Or of happiness ? Or of virtue ? Or of wisdom ? What teacher dreams of labouring in the interests of the health happiness virtue and wisdom of his scholars ? Or would have the opportunity if he had the strange desire ? The parent sends his son to the school that he may be prepared for the Matriculation Examination and the teach [...] Unfotunately however the remembrancers of this truth lay the blame at the doors of the Government instead of at those of the Universities in spite of the fact that Governors and Directors labour to advise and guide recalcitrant Senates. [...] The desired change of attitude on her part will only help the much-needed recognition of the fact that the study of these things is but a means to an end and not an end in itself and it will provide the University with a surer and more rational means of testing the calibre of the canddates than the present method of framing the question-paper. [...] In short the aim of the teacher and of the examiner should be to see that the student knows the broad features of the history of the people of England and of India and not of their Governments. [...] The examiners in English and the Second Languages can very conveniently be given the co-operation of the examiners in the several vernaculars in examining the answers to these questions and thus the difficulty can be very easily and effectively met.
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United States
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Segment Pages Author Actions
Editorial Notes
1-6 unknown view
Education in England
6-11 M.E. Sadler view
Tuberculosis in India
11-15 J.M. Macphail view
Ancient Hindu Mathematical Methods-VI
16-21 G.R. Kaye view
How to Discourage Cram
21-24 N.D. Phadke view
The Director of Public Instruction’s Report Bombay for 1908-09
25-27 unknown view
The News of the Month
27-36 unknown view
Reviews of Books
37-38 unknown view
Books Received
39-39 unknown view
Our Contemporaries
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