cover image: Modern Review  July  1931



Modern Review July 1931


They know of the overthrow of the old municipal governments of the Orem Fear" in the provinces of the attacks on the Church. [...] To the student of the Revolution one of the most striking characteristics of the movement was the spirit of optimism Which preceded and ... The very atmosphere seemed so charged with hope that there were few indeed to whom the future did not appear full of promise past with all of its darkness and gloom was to be forgotten in the light of the new day that was dawning. [...] Of these the principle of the equal distribution of property among.children or heirs the abolition of imprisonment for debt and the protection of rights of women were the most.noteworthy. [...] "What do you see Walt Whitman ?" The great American poet asks himself and then goes on to reply that he sees the far and the near the past and the future the pleasures and the pains tie mourning and the festivities the doubts and problems: the virtues and the vices of the world before his eyes. [...] Ity releasing life and action from the prison of the mortal self he is helping to release them from the influence of such auto-suggestions and by supplying the inspiration of joy or -- that both liberates the spirit and accompanies the liberation he is working and will continue to work the regeneration of India to a measure undreamt of by the most daring of our political aspirants.
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
The Ship of Flowers
1-2 Nivedita view
The Constructive Influence of the French Revolution
3-9 George Andrews view
Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
10-14 Sudhir Chowdhuri view
The Indian College at the University of Montpellier
15-19 Patrick Geddes view
The Round Table Conference
19-25 Sudhir Lahiri view
Syed Djamaluddin Al-Afghani
25-i S. Zulfaqar view
The Indian States
29-43 Ramananda Chatterjee view
Youth Believes in Friendship
43-44 Walter Foley view
Meeting of the East and the West
45-48 unknown view
India and League of Nations Minorities Treaties
49-52 Radhakumud Mukerji view
Reviews and Notices of Books
52-59 Jadunath Sarkar view
The Coal Trade in India
59-62 Annadaprosad Chatterjee view
The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
62-63 K.C. De view
Fascism and the New Generation
64-69 Pramatha Ray view
The Romance of the Rivers of the Gangetic Delta
69-75 Gopal Chatterjee view
The Press and the Indian States’ People’s Conference
75-82 unknown view
Indians Abroad
82-86 Benarsidas Chaturvedi view
Indian Periodicals
87-91 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
92-100 unknown view
101-128 unknown view