cover image: Modern Review  April  1949



Modern Review April 1949


in"254 THE MODERN REVIEW FOR APRIL 1949 the state of business in the cotintry and in the distrbution of taxablcapacity and the state of our principal sources of Central revenue there is the fullest justification for the courses of action which Dr. [...] In this connection the following observations of the "Eavesdropper" of the Indian Finance in its issue of the 36th March are very much to the point : -In the tale of the Augur industry its establishment on a large scale and in a short period was made pcm.ible by a significant departure—unintended pehap but certainly effective—from the established principles and methods of the policy of discri [...] But the formation of the Syndicate and the outbreak of the war and before that the Provicial Government's policy of 'helping the cultivators in the essentially predatory prosperity of the au.aar industry a policy which has been strengthened in many ways since the advent of controls and import restritions all these have tended to spare the industry the discomfort of a thought for the poo [...] For the problem of costs and the problem of prices will remnin the saint. Arc the profits of the industry and the price of cane to he determined by the price of sugar or vitt firm ? So long as the possibility of free imports remain a more or lei distant aim we have a yardstick with which to me:isure the cost of sugar to the constimer In a simple protectionist regime we retain and use the yardst [...] The scheme should provide for the establihment of new industries of all elnsses and also for the development of the existing ones." Reaolution 2 : "This Conference having considered the views of several Provincial Governments is of the opinion that pending the !-Iihinisaion and con.idetion of a comprehensive industrial plan fo; the whole of India steps should be taken to start the following
government politics public policy
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i Kedarnath Chatterji view
253-272 unknown view
My. Last Interview with Gandhiji
273-274 Narayan Agarwal view
Mahatma Gandhi a Tribute and an Attempt at Estimate of his Personality and Achievement
275-282 P.R. Damle view
Foreign Exchange Banking in India
282-285 H.S. Audholia view
Application of Science in Free India for Social Welfare
286-287 H.K. Mitra view
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda the Prophets of Spiritual Democracy
288-289 Nandalal Ciatterji view
Sarojini Naidu the Greatest Woman of our Time
289-291 K.K. Bhattacharya view
Arunachala a City in Tune with the Infinite
291-295 M.B.S. Rao view
Rice Cultivation in the U.S.A
295-298 Hiren Gangulee view
Rafflesia Arnoldii a Plant Producing the World’s Biggest Flower
299-301 Robindra Datta view
Farm Families Work Together in the U. S. State of Maine
302-303 unknown view
The Wounded Tiger that Survivrd to Tell a Tali
304-306 D.P. Chowdhury view
A Homage to Bapu from Far Off Brazil
307-308 Krishna Kripalani view
The African Empire of the New World
308-310 G.L. Schanzlin view
The International Bank and its Future
311-312 Mankumar Sen view
The Present Situation and Buddhism
313-317 Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya view
Hotel Trade and Tourist Industry in India
317-319 S.C. Sen Gupta view
Economic Crisis
319-319 Siddeswar Chattoopadhyaya view
Present Condition of Cotton Possibilities Work in Bengal
320-320 Sarada Chakrabarty view
Book Reviews
321-326 unknown view
Indian Periodicals
327-332 unknown view
Foreign Periodicals
333-i unknown view